Why AIDS is an Incurable Disease?

Firoz Khan
6 min readMay 24, 2021


Throughout ongoing years, the articulation “HIV cure” has streaked again and again across paper title messages. In March 2013, specialists from Mississippi nitty-gritty that the ailment had vanished in a child who was polluted after entering the world.

Following four months, experts in Boston uncovered an equivalent finding in two heretofore HIV-positive men. Every one of the three was not, now expected to take any prescription medications. The media declared the jump forward, and there was anxious cheerfulness among HIV experts. A considerable number of dollars of grant holds were held to convey this work to more patients.

However, in December 2013, the cheerfulness disappeared. HIV had returned in both of the Boston men. By then, essentially this mid-year, experts detailed comparative horrendous results for the child from Mississippi.

The unavoidable requests mounted from the confused public. Will there anytime be a cure for this disorder? As a scientist investigating HIV/AIDS, I can exhort you there’s no reasonable answer. HIV is broadly unstable contamination, one that is sidestepped promising medications already. Be that as it may, possibly comparably as dangerous is just “cure.”

Science has something sensible of trigger words. Researchers prickle at the words “vegetable” and “common item” — culinary terms which are used without a plant premise — logical specialists wrinkle their noses at “compound free,” and physicists despise calling “outward” a force — it’s not; it simply feels like one. On the off chance that you get some data about a cure for the disease, you’ll probably be chastised. What makes “cure” an especially warmed word?

Everything started with an assurance. During the 1980s, specialists and general health specialists saw enormous gatherings of previously healthy people whose safe structures were absolutely failing. The new condition got known as AIDS, for.” “a few years sometime later, in 1984, experts discovered the explanation — the human immunodeficiency disease as of now alluded to by and large as HIV.

On the day this progression was proclaimed, health specialists ensured the public that an immune response to secure against the dreaded sickness was only two years away. Anyway here we are, following 30 years, there’s still no neutralizer. This wound up being the first of various rich assumptions regarding controlling the HIV plague or reestablishing spoiled patients.

The development from HIV pollution to AIDS and unavoidable passing occurs in over 99% of untreated cases — making it more dangerous than Ebola or the plague.

Notwithstanding being recognized a long time earlier, AIDS has viably executed 25 million people and as of now spoils another 35 million, and the World Health Organization records it as the sixth driving justification passing around the world.

HIV upsets the body’s regular contamination doing combating instruments, which advances it particularly deadly and tangles endeavors to cultivate a vaccination against it. Like all contaminations, HIV gets inside particular cells in the body and hijacks their equipment to make a large number of copies of itself. HIV replication is especially hard for the body to control in light of the fact that the white platelets it defiles, and over the long haul, butchers, are a fundamental piece of the safe system.

In addition, when HIV copies its characteristics, it does so imprudently. This makes it quickly change into a wide scope of strains. Appropriately, the disease successfully outsmarts the body’s safe assurance, over the long haul throwing the invulnerable structure into disarray. That gives other obscure or regardless innocuous sicknesses a chance to flourish in the body — a describing feature of AIDS.

For sure, even the best meds at present available can’t dispose of HIV from the whole of its disguising spots inside the body, as demonstrated by another examination of HIV patients in the United States. The disclosure seems to approve specialists’ instincts that once the disease secures a foothold, it can never be totally obliterated from the body.

Following a long time of intense drug therapy, the contamination really hangs out in colossal supplies, particularly in tissues incorporating the gut covering, the researcher's report. Cells in these tissues, a piece of the immune system called ‘gut-related lymphoid tissue’, stay sullied with the disease despite the fact that the patient may be driving a clearly healthy life.

Various HIV patients can manage their infection with a blended beverage of prescriptions called antiretroviral medicines (ARTs). These can reduce their ‘viral weight’ — the proportion of contamination flowing in the blood plasma — to indistinct levels.

Regardless, the new examination shows that even in such ‘non-overwhelming’s patients the contamination is at this point lurking in gut tissues, and at this point corrupting other safe cells in the blood.

“It may not anytime be possible to thoroughly destroy the contamination from the body, despite the fact that people are advancing honorably,” says Anthony Fauci, top of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, who drove the assessment. He adds, in any case, that this doesn’t infer that patients will be more plausible than as of late suspected to give the contamination to others.

In 1987, the FDA embraced AZT as the essential drug to treat HIV. With only two years between when the medicine was recognized in the lab and when it was free for specialists to underwrite, it was — and stays — the speediest support measure all through the whole presence of the FDA. AZT was extensively announced as a jump forward. Nevertheless, as the film The Dallas Buyer’s Club intensely retells, AZT was not the miracle drug many trusted.

Early arrangements consistently enlivened destructive outcomes and just offered a short benefit, as the contamination quickly changed to get impenetrable to the treatment. (Today, the hurtfulness issues have been generally reduced, because of lower divides.) AZT remains a splendid representation of sensible mettle is at this point a huge gadget to direct the illness, anyway, it is far from the cure the world had anticipated.

By then, during the 1990s, a couple of mathematicians began looking at the data. Alongside HIV analysts, they suggested that by burning through three prescriptions together, we could avoid the issue of drug block. The likelihood that the contamination would have enough changes to allow it to avoid all prescriptions immediately, they decided, would essentially be too low to even consider evening consider struggling with.

Right, when the main clinical fundamentals of these “drug blended beverages” began, both mathematical and lab researchers watched the levels of contamination drop reliably in patients until they were vague. They extrapolated this lessening downwards and established that, following a couple of long periods of treatment, all traces of the disease should be gone from a patient’s body. Exactly when that happened, analysts acknowledged, meds could be eliminated, in conclusion, a cure was cultivated.

However, whenever the chance showed up for the primary patients to stop their meds, the contamination again seemed to outsmart present-day prescription. Inside a large portion of a month of the last pill, disease levels in patients’ blood hopped up to pre-treatment levels — and stayed there.

In a long time since in excess of 25, every one of the more significantly extreme drugs has been made and FDA-upheld to treat HIV. Right when two to five of them are joined into a drug blended beverage, the mix can shut down the disease’s replication, prevent the start of AIDS, and return the future to a conventional level.

Regardless, patients should continue to take these prescriptions for their entire lives. Despite the fact that better than the other alternative, drug regimens are at this point gravely planned and expensive, especially for patients living in the making scene. Continue reading…



Firoz Khan

I'm a blogger, 3D artist and graphic designer. You can follow me to get the latest technology and design updates. Blog; https://flactuatetech.blogspot.com/